Suuuper Anime

RKO’d – Frieren Overtakes Full Metal Alchemist As No.1 Anime! | Ep.199

Suuuper Anime Episode 199

‘Frieren overtake Full Metal Alchemist brother hood, I cannot believe it’ – Ed Suuuper Anime podcast 


In this conversation, Ed and Captain Solo discuss the anime Frieren and its recent rise to the top of the rankings on MyAnimeList and Anime News Network. They question whether the show is truly deserving of its high rating and speculate on its potential as a gateway anime for newcomers to the genre. The conversation also delves into the rankings of other popular anime and the statistical relevance of these rankings. In this conversation, Solo and Ed discuss the rankings of popular anime shows and the importance of attention and openness to different genres. They highlight the emotional impact of well-written stories and the need to try something different to discover hidden gems. 

 Discussion Noes

  • Is Frieren the New Gateway Anime?
  • The Potential of Frieren as the next best anime
  • Rankings of Top Anime in Anime List
  • Statistical Relevance of Anime Rankings
  • One Piece's Ranking
  • Popularity vs. Ratings
  • JJK and Demon Slayer Rankings
  • Discovering New Anime Shows
  • Openness to Different Genres
  • The Three-Episode Rule
  • Emotive Anime
  • Personal Connections to Anime
  • Trying Different Anime
  • The Impact of Well-Written Stories
  • Emotional Impact of Anime

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